January 24, 2013
I only watch TV on weekends. I listen to the radio during car rides all the time and to listen to Kings games. I also check my emails and read the newspaper everyday. A lot of times I use media is for school such as this blog, research, sparknotes, and Mr. Starace's website.This has impacted my life because it allows me to get information. The TV can also provide me with entertainment. The radio lets me listen to all the latest songs and hear everything that's going on with the kings games when I can't watch it on TV.
My media consumption habits has changed this semester because I was constantly on the lookout to get ads and watch for commercials to post blogs. I also looked online and in the newspaper to do my argument logs. I was constantly on sparknotes to read summaries of literature books.
Being aware of my media consumption doesn't really change my interactions with it. I do notice a little more on what techniques advertisers are using in their commercials and ads to get viewers to buy the product.
It is important to have media literacy in order to keep up with the rest of the world. Being an educated consumer is important because you know what's going on and what advertisers are doing to sell their product.
By doing this blog, I am now more aware of advertising and had lots of practice analyzing commercials and other ads.
I think that our society is consuming way too much media and schools are even using technology for homework. I prefer to talk to real people rather than using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on.
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