Thursday, January 24, 2013

Perry's last Post

January 24, 2013
I only watch TV on weekends. I listen to the radio during car rides all the time and to listen to Kings games. I also check my emails and read the newspaper everyday. A lot of times I use media is for school such as this blog, research, sparknotes, and Mr. Starace's website.

This has impacted my life because it allows me to get information.  The TV can also provide me with entertainment. The radio lets me listen to all the latest songs and hear everything that's going on with the kings games when I can't watch it on TV.

My media consumption habits has changed this semester because I was constantly on the lookout to get ads and watch for commercials to post blogs.  I also looked online and in the newspaper to do my argument logs.  I was constantly on sparknotes to read summaries of literature books.

Being aware of my media consumption doesn't really change my interactions with it.  I do notice a little more on what techniques advertisers are using in their commercials and ads to get viewers to buy the product.

It is important to have media literacy in order to keep up with the rest of the world. Being an educated consumer is important because you know what's going on and what advertisers are doing to sell their product.

By doing this blog, I am now more aware of advertising and had lots of practice analyzing commercials and other ads.

I think that our society is consuming way too much media and schools are even using technology for homework.  I prefer to talk to real people rather than using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Bell Bros

 January 13, 2013
Blog #14
When I was going through the mail, this one ad stood out to me. It was for Bell Bros Heating and Air Conditioning. I immediately recognized this company from their commercials during breaks in between Kings games.

 The ad is blue and red so it stands out in white mail.  It has a picture of the two brothers.  It also has a couple of coupons.  One ifs for Furnace Tune-Up.  The other is $20 off the Diagnostic Dispatch Fee.  Contact info is on the ad as well. 
A technique this ad is using is bribery.  This is because they are using coupons to get you to make a purchase while getting a deal at the same time.  To go along with bribery, the coupons have an expiration date.  This is a good example of time pressure because they only give you so much time to use the coupons and get that deal.

I think it was smart of the ad to say ask about our Buy Back Guarantee rather than just explain it on the ad.  This is because it gets the reader to call them up if they might be interested in it and that way the Bell Brothers can talk to that person and convince them to buy their product.  I also like the idea that they said proudly supporting your community for over 20 years.  It's not their or the community but its yours so it makes you feel in control.

Overall, I think this ad is effective.  It gives you coupons so you can get some good deals.  They seem very dedicated to supporting the community since after all, they've been doing it for over 20 years.  I recognize them from the commercials during Kings game and since I love the Kings, I like their sponsors such as the Bell Brothers.

Born to Assist: Chris Paul

January 13, 2013
Blog #13
When I was watching the Lakers playing Thunder on ESPN the other night, this commercial came on during a timeout.  It was a state farm commercial starring Chris Paul.  The target audience for this commercial is for people looking to buy the best insurance, NBA fans, and Chris Paul fans.

The commercial starts off with identical baby twins were separated at birth in the hospital.  They were both really good at assisting others. One went on to become a successful state farm agent.  The other grew up to be a great play maker on the basketball court.  In the end, they bump into each other in the elevator and they recognize each other as the door closes.

The testimonial technique is heavily used in this commercial because they use a famous NBA star in Chris Paul.  The need to nurture is in the beginning of the commercial because you see identical baby twins.  Also, the wit and humor technique is being used because they show Cliff Paul who is actualyl Chris Paul wearing glasses and a mustache.  They also use Chris's basketball skills of passing and show it two different ways in this commercial. 

I found this commercial to be odd at the beginning because I never knew babies were born with glasses.  I did like the story line of the commercial though because it was very interesting with the twins.  It was cool how they took Paul's NBA skills of great passes and assists and demonstrated that in two different ways.  I laughed when I first saw Chris Paul wearing glasses and a mustache.  I felt like I watched the twins' whole life in 1 minute...literally.  The end part was cool to, how they met up but before they could say anything the elevator door closes.

I think that State farm could've added something bout their insurance to make this commercial better.  Also, some people who don't know a lot about the NBA might not get what's happening.  Other than that, I felt this commercial had a nice plot to it and the two stories were tied together very well.  Chris Paul assisting and State Farm helping others are very similar and they chose the perfect athlete to play the part.

I find it interesting that when I was watching a Clippers game, fans took this commercial to the next level.  Since Paul is a Clipper, fans were wearing a mustache just like in this commercial. Clippers fans absolutely love this commercial and are showing their approval.

Overall, I think this commercial is very effective.  It caught my attention right away when I saw Chris Paul because I am a huge NBA fan.  This commercial was very funny and had a neat plot.  State farm could not have chosen a better athlete than Chris Paul, currently averaging 9.5 assists which is 2nd in the league.  State Farm definitely got the word out about how well they are with assisting others by using Chris Paul.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


 January 12, 2013
Blog #12
As I was looking through a magazine, I came across this ad for the new Kraft Philadelphia Indulgence chocolate. The target audience is people who like chocolate and cream cheese.

The ad shows raspberries and the indulgence on some type of cookie looking pastry. It says go on. Indulge. At the bottom has a brief description of the product.

Physiological needs is used in this ad because the raspberry chocolate pastries can be very appealing late at night. A technique they are using is magical ingredients. This is because they mentioned that it's a new kind of chocolate for a new kind of chocolate lover.

I think that this ad is missing the nutritional facts of the product.  A lot more people would buy it if it was healthy for you.  I also think this ad would be better if they showed it in milk and white chocolate to advertise all three kinds.

Overall, I think this ad is effective because they use pictures of the chocolate with raspberries.  I like the idea of showing it as a desert to make it look more appealing.  I do think they should've showed the other kinds of chocolate cream cheese as well.  Also, it would've been better if they added some nutritional facts.